











1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“高性能碳基瞬态电子器件和集成电路”,2016/01-2019/12,项目负责人

2. 科技部重点研发计划,“高性能碳基纳米晶体管的制备及大规模集成”,2016/01-2021/12,项目骨干

3. 国家自然科学基金委创新群体,“纳米尺度的高性能电子与量子器件的理论与方法”, 2017/01-2019/12,项目骨干

4. 科技部重大研发计划纳米专项,“高性能碳基CMOS器件和集成电路”, 2011/01-2015/12,项目骨干


2017 International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM) Scientist Medal for the year 2017


1. Z. Z. Zhao, J. J. Liu, Z. H. Wang, Z. X. Liu, W. Q. Zhu, H. R. Xia, T. Yang, F. He, Y. B. Wu, X. L. Fu, L.-M. Peng, X. D. Wei, Y. F. Hu*, “Ultrasensitive triboelectric nanogenerator for weak ambient energy with rational unipolar stacking structure and low-loss power management”, Nano Energy, 41, 351 (2017).

2. Z. Z. Zhao, C. Yan, Z. X. Liu, X. L. Fu, L.-M. Peng, Y. F. Hu*, Z. J. Zheng*, “Machine-Washable Textile Triboelectric Nanogenerators for Effective Human Respiratory Monitoring through Loom Weaving of Metallic Yarns”, Advanced Materials, 28, 10267 (2016). Selected as Frontispieces

3. H. Zhang, Y. F. Hu*, Z. P. Wang, Z. Y. Fang, L.-M. Peng*, “Performance Boosting of Flexible ZnO UV Sensors with Rational Designed Absorbing Antireflection Layer and Humectant Encapsulation”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8, 381 (2016).

4. Y. F. Hu, J. Yang, S. M. Niu, W. Z. Wu, Z. L. Wang*, “Hybridizing Triboelectrification and Electromagnetic Induction Effects for High-Efficient Mechanical Energy Harvesting”, ACS Nano, 8, 7442 (2014).

5. Y. F. Hu, J. Yang, Q. S. Jing, S. M. Niu, W. Z. Wu, Z. L. Wang*, “Triboelectric Nanogenerator Built on Suspended 3D Spiral Structure as Vibration and Positioning Sensor and Wave Energy Harvester”, ACS Nano, 7, 10424 (2013)

6. Y. F. Hu, L. Lin, Y. Zhang, Z. L. Wang*, “Replacing a Battery by a Nanogenerator with 20 V Output”, Advanced Materials, 24, 110 (2012). ESI Highly Cited Papers

7. Y. F. Hu, Y. Zhang, C. Xu, L. Lin, R. L. Snyder, Z. L. Wang*, “Self-powered System with Wireless Data Transmission”, Nano Letters, 11, 2572 (2011). ESI Highly Cited Papers. Featured by Science News, Science Daily, American Chemical Society podcast, PhysOrg, Nanowerk, etc.

8. Y. F. Hu, Y. Zhang, C. Xu, G. Zhu and Z. L. Wang*, “High-Output Nanogenerator by Rational Unipolar Assembly of Conical Nanowires and Its Application for Driving a Small Liquid Crystal Display”, Nano Letters, 10, 4939 (2010). Featured by MIT Technology Review, Science Daily, PhysOrg, Energy Daily, etc.

9. Y. F. Hu, Y. Zhang, Y. L. Chang, R. L. Snyder, and Z. L. Wang*, “Optimizing the Power Output of a ZnO Photocell by Piezopotential ”, ACS Nano, 4, 4220 (2010). Highlighted by Editorial of ACS Nano

10. Y. F. Hu, Y. L. Chang, P. Fei, R. L. Snyder, and Z. L. Wang*, “Designing the Electric Transport Characteristics of ZnO Micro/Nanowire Devices by Coupling Piezoelectric and Photoexcitation Effects”, ACS Nano, 4,1234 (2010). Featured by EE Times, Science Daily, PhysOrg, etc.


Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology

Advisory Panel Member of Nanotechnology