






办公电话:010-6275 7035




2021.11-今,线上赌博APP推荐-网络赌博平台介绍 ,Tenure Track助理教授;

2019.10-2021.11,北京大学电子学系,Tenure Track助理教授;

2016.09-2019.09,德国亥姆霍兹研究所,Research Associate。





学术兼职:担任Science Advances, Nature Communications, Physical Review Letters,Optics Letters/Express, IEEE等期刊审稿人。


1.Rui Zhang1, Wei Xiao1, Yudong Ding, Yulong Feng, Xiang Peng, Liang Shen, Chenxi Sun,Teng Wu* (吴腾), Yulong Wu, Yucheng Yang, Zhaoyu Zheng, Xiangzhi Zhang, Jingbiao Chen, Hong Guo*, Recording brain activities in unshielded Earth’s field with optically pumped atomic magnetometers,Science Advances6, eaba8792 (2020).【基于原子磁力仪的无屏蔽脑磁信号检测技术】。

2.Teng Wu* (吴腾), John W. Blanchard, Gary P. Centers, Nataniel L. Figueroa, Antoine Garcon, Peter W. Graham, Derek F. Jackson Kimball, Surjeet Rajendran, Yevgeny V. Stadnik, Alexander O. Sushkov, Arne Wickenbrock, Dmitry Budker, Search for axionlike dark matter with a liquid-state nuclear spin comagnetometer,Physical Review Letters122, 191302 (2019).【基于共磁力仪的轴子暗物质探测技术】。

3.Teng Wu* (吴腾), John W. Blanchard, Derek F. Jackson Kimball, Min Jiang, Dmitry Budker, Nuclear-Spin comagnetometer based on a liquid of identical molecules,Physical Review Letters121, 023202 (2018). (Editor’s Suggestions)【基于分子的共磁力仪技术】。

4.Min Jiang1,Teng Wu1*(吴腾), John W. Blanchard, Guanru Feng, Xinhua Peng, Dmitry Budker, Experimental benchmarking of quantum control in zero-field nuclear magnetic resonance,Science advances4, eaar6327 (2018).【基于零场核磁共振系统实现的量子操控技术】。

5.Danila A. Barskiy, Michael C. D. Tayler, Irene Marco-Rius, John Kurhanewicz, Daniel B. Vigneron, Sevil Cikrikci, Ayca Aydogdu, Moritz Reh, Andrey N. Pravdivtsev, Jan-Bernd Hoevener, John W. Blanchard,Teng Wu(吴腾), Dmitry Budker, Alexander Pines, Zero-field nuclear magnetic resonance of chemically exchanging systems,Nature Communications10, 3002 (2019).【基于原子磁力仪的零场核磁共振技术应用】。

6.Antoine Garcon, John W. Blanchard*, Gary P. Centers, Nataniel L. Figueroa, Peter W. Graham, Derek F. Jackson Kimball, Surjeet Rajendran, Alexander O. Sushkov, Yevgeny V. Stadnik, Arne Wickenbrock,Teng Wu (吴腾), Dmitry Budker, Constraints on bosonic dark matter from ultralow-field nuclear magnetic resonance,Science advances5, eaax4539 (2019).【基于零场核磁共振系统的暗物质探测技术】。

7.Min Jiang, Román Picazo Frutos,Teng Wu* (吴腾), John W. Blanchard, Xinhua Peng*, Dmitry Budker, Magnetic gradiometer for the detection of zero- to ultralow-field nuclear magnetic resonance,Physical Review Applied11, 024005 (2019).【磁场的梯度探测技术】。

8.Georgios Chatzidrosos, Arne Wickenbrock, Lykourgos Bougas, Nathan Leefer,Teng Wu (吴腾), Kasper Jensen, Yannick Dumeige, Dmitry Budker; Miniature cavity-enhanced diamond magnetometer,Physical Review Applied8, 044019 (2017).【基于NV色心的高灵敏度磁探测技术】。

9.Teng Wu (吴腾), Xiang Peng, Zaisheng Lin, Hong Guo, A dead-zone free 4He atomic magnetometer with intensity-modulated linearly polarized light and a liquid crystal polarization rotator,Review of Scientific Instruments86, 103105 (2015).【无磁场探测盲区的氦原子磁力仪技术】。

10.Teng Wu (吴腾), Xiang Peng, Wei Gong, Yuanzhi Zhan, Zaisheng Lin, Bin Luo, Hong Guo, Observation and optimization of 4He atomic polarization spectroscopy,Optics Letters38, 986 (2013).【基于氦原子偏振光谱的激光频率稳定技术】。


